Tag Archives: interview with a gamer

Interview With A Gamer

By Joy Naomi

Joy Naomi has been great about delivering gamer-focused content for the issues we’ve released so far, and we felt like she deserved some recognition for all her hard work! For the issue, we had her interview herself so that our readers can find out more about the girl behind the geek.

Name: Joy Naomi

Gamer Tag: country cutie83

Preferred Platform: Xbox (I would love to play on PC, but my laptop says no!)

Top 5 Games: Skyrim, Neverwinter, Borderlands 2, Deadpool, Guitar Hero Live

Top 5 Game Crushes: Farkas from Skyrim, Vilkas from Skyrim, Brynjolf from Skyrim (hello, sexy accent!), Drizzt from Neverwinter, Varric from Dragon Age Inquisition

Favorite Classes: It depends on the game I’m playing at the time, but usually healers and tanks if it’s in a game like Neverwinter, and magic users if it’s in Skyrim.

Favorite Races: Again, it depends on the game I’m playing, but almost always I go for the elves. In Skyrim, though, my longest running character is a Nord and my second longest running character is a Breton.

MMO or Single Player: I like both, honestly. It’s always nice to play with others (if you know anybody playing the same game), and it’s nice to have some help when you may need it. But on the other hand, I like my single player type games like Skyrim just as much as I can wander around and do my own thing. It depends on my mood.

Game you wish you could play: Right now, it would have to be World of Warcraft. I got the game and had so much drama trying to get it installed and running, and then my computer over heated when I finally got it going. At this point, I just want to play the game!

Advice for new gamers: Have fun! That’s what the games are there for – to enjoy and get lost in a story to escape reality. You will die – you will get pissed – you will want to throw your console out of the window at times (okay, that may just be me!), but in the end, just remember: It’s a game, so don’t take it too seriously. If all else fails, load a save and try again!

Interview With A Gamer

There’s nothing quite like a long conversation with a long-suffering vampire, but what do you do when you want to talk topics that are a little more down to earth and a little less buried in it? Joy Naomi is here to help! In this issue, she pushes Psychobarbie’s buttons to unlock the gamer within.

When did you start gaming?

Depends on what you mean by actual gaming. I’ve been gaming since old school Atari, first gen Nintendo, but if you mean newer gaming about 2011, I think. MMORP has pretty much just been in the last year.

What game did you start with?

Super Mario Bros? Again, it really depends on what you mean by gaming. I got back into my gaming with Skyrim and it pretty much has been nonstop since then.

What do you game on?

XboxOne, 360, Wii, and Computer. Mostly XboxOne right now.

What do you play now?

I’m hitting Neverwinter pretty hard, but I relapse for Dragon Age Inquisition.

Name your top 5 games:

Skyrim, Kingdom of Amalur, Fallout 4, Saints Row IV, Neverwinter.

What are your major game crushes?

Brynwolf (Skyrim), Dritzz Do’Urden (Neverwinter), Hancock (Fallout 5). Don’t judge.

If you could only play one game for the rest of your life what would it be?

Dragon Age Inquisition, if I could mod it.

If you could have one item/power from a game character what would it be and why?

Uh… The ability to change my body and appearance in a menu every morning?

Any advice for new gamers?

Not really, we all play different. Find what works for you and don’t be afraid to try things. If you’re in a MMO, ignore the tards that mouth off. Never underestimate the power of looking things up before you get frustrated.

Do you prefer computer or console and why?

Honestly I love modding games so I’d be a computer gamer if I had my preference, however I like having my Xbox controller and not being up close to a computer screen as well, so both have their merits. What I want is friggen consoles you can mod like a computer -sighs- Such a fevered dream.