The Letter Opener

Oh my! It’s July! And I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m about ready for summer to be over (or maybe I’ll just move to the Southern Hemisphere with the half of you who already have winter). Because when you’re trudging down a gravel road at four in the afternoon, the sun beating down, the earth baked beneath your feet, the houses around you as still as the last siesta, not so much as the chirp of a bird or the buzz of an insect to reassure you there’s life in the world at all – only the tinkle of abandoned wind chimes, the breeze that stirs them so hot you can’t tell the difference between it and the rest of the hundred degree air, your only company the device in your hand, its battery swiftly dying, that swears, really, there are creatures out here somewhere, you just have to find them – suddenly you realize, this is it, this is the Apokélypse –

And then you go find an app that will tell you exactly where the damn things are so you don’t have to walk down a scalding gravel road at four in the afternoon looking for that one last Eevee.

Seriously, though, it is summer in this part of the world, and that means lifestyle shifts for a number of our northern chatters – the kids are out of school, people are going on vacation, and there are just other things to focus on besides role-play. Even if it seems a little slower on the face of the site, though – and you know what? I actually haven’t noticed that at ReVo yet, so we must be doing something to keep you around! – I can promise you that behind the scenes, we’re as busy as ever! You won’t find a “lighter fare” menu in this issue – we still have all the great features you’ve come to know and love already, plus a brand-new spread of columns we hope you’ll like just as much!

But wait! There’s more! If you act now, you get not only the established ReVolutionary Theory features and the new columns, but some returning favourites, too! I’m so happy to be able to announce that we’ve got mouth{JT} back on our team – she’s still working her way back up to a full stats bar, but we’re just glad she’s doing well enough to contribute at all. Check out Confessions of a Drama Queen and our fiction selection “The Intruder” to see what she’s up to!

That’s right – you get an entire issue packed from first page to last with non-stop ReVolutionary action: Reviews, interviews, old friends, new friends, and more, all for the low low price of FREE! with no additional processing or handling fees required! ReVolutionary Theory is just one of the many perks we offer our chatterbase, and it’s one that’s available to all of you, regardless of whether you’re a paid member, a long-term guest, or just stopping by to see how you like the place! Without you, there wouldn’t be a ReVo to make a magazine for, so you’re just as important as the actual magazine team.

And on that note! ReVo currently has staff positions open, and many of them are directly related to magazine production. Applications close August 5th, so if you’re interested, hop over now and check it out!

I think that’s all for now! Happy summer/winter as appropriate, good reading, and I’ll meet you back here in October, just in time for some Halloween fun! And remember – if you have questions, comments, critiques, or suggestions, we’re taking them all at the ReVolutionary Theory Forums!