Featured Room: Eternal Rebels

By Care

While our chatters are the heart and soul of roleplay, rooms are what give their characters a place to become incarnate. Managing rooms can be a difficult but ultimately rewarding task, and each leader has taken their own road to the “top”. In this issue, Care lures us to both the shadows and the recent past.

It’s a new year and a new quarter for the periodical, and we’re starting things off with a bang. I sat down with the owner of Eternal Rebels, Tat, for an interview about her room and what sets it out from the rest.

Hello, Tat, and thank you for taking the time for this interview.

You’re welcome.

Let’s take a moment and run down the basics. Eternal Rebels is a room featured in the Supernatural Awakening section of the whochat, and from what I have read, it’s based around the 1980s movie The Lost Boys. Tell us a little about what made you create such a room?

I love the vampire genre, and there are so many things that have been done, but this was something I had not seen. It’s a blend of modern vampire with a kick of nostalgia, where the Lost Boys type characters come into play.

Can you tell us a little bit of the storylines that you run with in the room?

There are several interlacing ventures going on at the moment, as well as some that haven’t yet connected. We have a young newly turned vampire trying to find her way, innocents slowly being exposed to the world around them in different forms, and some drama brought in by other vampires and vampire hunters.

Are there any stories that have been run that made you and your players go, “What The Fuck?”

There is a ghoul who turned a vampire into a pile of goo.

Have there been any roleplays within the room that you and your players were laughing so hard behind the scenes?

See above.

What’s a Typical day like in the life of a character in Eternal Rebels?

Party all night, sleep all day, never grow old, never die, is mostly the size of it – outside of the mortals, of course.

I have seen that you’ve held a few events in your room. You had the “Kill Off Your Character Party,” which if I remember correctly was a night of killing your characters off. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it, but I read some. How did that night go?

That event went wonderfully, with a few great submissions of character deaths on the ReVo message board and on the day of the actual event combined. ReVo has an extremely talented bunch of roleplayers, and that made it very difficult to choose the prize winners.

Then you held another one, “Good Times,” which was a Trivia & Movie Quote Night. How did that one go for you?

Actually the “Good Times” event was held before the “Kill off your character” event, nearer the time when the room opened on site. It was a great experience as well. We had a terrific turnout and gave away some fun prizes with that one.

So tell us, is there anything in the works for the year 2017?

We’d like to increase roleplaying participation.

Is there anything that you would wish a reader and fellow roleplayer to know about Eternal Rebels?

To bring a friend if they are thinking about joining in.

Thank you for taking a moment with us, and happy roleplaying!