The Letter Opener: January 2017

Happy New Year!

For most of us in the modern western world, that’s what we say to each other not only on January 1st, but for many days after. It’s a custom, and one we might not even think that much about, when it comes right down to it.

The truth is, a new year – no matter when you celebrate it or for what reason – is a purely human construct, one designed to give us hope for the days ahead. Hope that the good times will continue rolling. Hope that things will finally go our way. Hope that this year will be better than the last. We hope because we’re overwhelmed, because we need something to believe in, and we assign a more-or-less arbitrary date to it so that we have a concrete place to stop and take a breath; a place to say, “Okay, this is when it’s all going to turn around.” We hang our hopes on that date like we hung stars on our Christmas trees, and once it gets here – then what?

2016 was a hard year for many of us. We’re all aware, of course, of the string of famous deaths that put stamps and dampers on it right from the start, and the memes that followed. (How many times did you yell, “Damnit, 2016, enough of your bullshit!” while crying over rebroadcasts of Labyrinth and Harry Potter?) But there were hits closer to home, too, and they didn’t stop at the year’s end. ReVo lost two long-standing members in Big Daddy Kev, who passed in December, and Pita/Larysia, who left us just this month.

So now we’re on to the second month of 2017, and wondering if things really are going to be any better, or if the start we’ve had means it’s turning out just as bad. We’ve got deaths and politics and god knows what else looming over the horizon, and we’ve got people who are sad and scared and wondering what rocks are going to fall next.

But you know what else we’ve got?

We’ve got ReVo, and hopefully, we’re going to have it for a long time. Whether you’re here purely for the escape of roleplay, for the family, or for a place to vent, we’re not just happy to have you, we’re grateful for you, too.

Like every issue of ReVolutionary Theory, January’s has not only the features you’ve (hopefully!) come to know and love, but some new surprises as well! Our entire team of writers and artists worked as hard as ever to make sure it would be fully packed when it got to you, but we had some particular standouts this time around in the form of mouth{JT}, who stepped up to provide extra content when others needed a break to deal with their grief, and Care, who whipped up some excellent images on extremely short notice after yours truly made a herping derp.

We’ve said another goodbye as well, as Jordis’ life has taken a turn that requires her undivided attention. We wish her all the best, and look forward to having her rejoin us, whether that’s as part of the periodical team or “just” a chatter.

So whatever lies ahead, remember that ReVo is here for you – not as a place, but as the people who make it what it is. Adventure awaits! And so does the January issue of ReVolutionary Theory. (See what I did there?)

From all of us at the ReVolutionary Theory team, happy roleplaying and happy new year, and we hope it really is one.