The Letter Opener

By Stabz

It’s spring! (At least where I am – I know our Southern Hemisphere friends are gearing up for the cold!) And you may not realize it – I didn’t until just now, though I think it was in the back on my mind – but that means it’s been a year since we finalized our format change and published the first issue of the ReVo Periodical as ReVolutionary Theory!

And it’s been a wild ride! We’ve seen team members come, go, and return (and we’re happy to have them back); we’ve held on to classic features and introduced a host of new favourites; and we’ve explored all sorts of new territory – some areas that we found were worth settling on, and others we’ve decided to pull back from until we feel like we’re on firmer ground.

We hope you’ve enjoyed what we’ve brought you so far, and that you’re looking forward to what’s yet to come just as much as we are!

One of our current projects is that we’re streamlining our image creation process, in order to bring the magazine’s overall look in line with ReVo’s. You’ll begin seeing that in this issue – while we’ve held on to some of our past headers, we’ve updated others with static images that you’ll be seeing from here on out. We’re still working out a few kinks in that area, though, so bear with us!

There have been a number of recent staff promotions at ReVo, and while you can read all about them on the forums (if you haven’t already), I would like to take a moment to welcome Yoko not only to the SeNate, but the periodical as well! She’s taken on the monumental task of overseeing “What’s Up, Revo?” – the place where you can find all the latest news on characters, storylines, and other changes straight from room leaders – and has graciously agreed to summzarize that information in a relaunch of the corresponding article.

Remember that while most positions at ReVo are posted only when there’s an opening, writing for ReVolutionary Theory is something you can apply for at any time! If you’re interested, you can find all the pertinent links both on our landing page and at the ReVo forums.

As always, I want to thank everyone on the team, both past and present – while most of you only see the finished product, there’s so much work that goes into getting it to you; from coming up with new ideas, finding writers with the appropriate expertise, producing those perfect pictures, and scrambling to accomodate last-minute changes and unexpected delays. This isn’t a project any one person could do on their own, and while most of my work is put in at the beginning and end, it’s what comes in the middle that gives me anything to work on at all. So if you’re a fan of the ReVolution and you happen to spot one of our writers or designers around the site, why not show them your love, too!

Happy anniversary, ReVolutionary Theory! It’s off to the duck pond with me, but we’ll meet everyone back here in July!