Featured character: opiate

By Care

ReVolutionary Theory is the magazine that’s all about you – whether you’re a chatter, a player, or even a character! For this issue, Care braves the savage world of Gor to meet with the addictive opiate.

Hello, and welcome to this quarter’s character interview. This time around, we are sitting down with Covet{Dark}, who plays in the room Harfax. We get to learn a little about not just the character, who is a slave to a Metalworker in the town of Harfax, but Covet as well.

For those of you that may not know exactly what Gor is, Gor is a realm based on a series of books by a man named John Norman. I will tell you, don’t try to read the books if you’re a stickler for style, as the writing often leaves much to be desired. The series started in the 1970s and follows a man named Tarl Cabot through his journey on a strange alternative planet. The planet is run by men, who believe women are the lesser of the sexes. Many women in this world are slaves, and those that are have no rights and may own nothing, not even their own name. To me personally, Gor is one of those realms where it often calls to you, but sometimes just doesn’t work.

Thank you for doing this interview with me. Let’s start with how you, the person behind the character, got started im Gor?

C o v e t {Dark}: Well, Harfax isn’t my first venture into the Gorean world. I played a Physician in a wagon camp years ago, and bat one point, another slave, too. This time, I spoke with Dark and asked him to teach me as if from the beginning. I’ve got basic knowledge, but not a lot of the finer details.

How do you personally like Gor?

C o v e t {Dark}: It’s a trip. It’s very outside my box of comfort. I still have moments where I think, “what the fuck am I even supposed to do?”, so I ask. I really do enjoy it though. I think the submissive part of my personality seems pretty content there.

Do you believe that being submissive helps you in becoming your Gorean slave character?

C o v e t {Dark}: Yes, I do. I can’t imagine that as a more dominant person, I would be able to understand and put myself in my character’s place – the situations that she’s had to deal with, and the consequences for the actions that she takes.

How did you come up with the character? Was there a brainstorming session with your roleplay partner?

C o v e t {Dark}: My character started out with no name. By that I mean her name was nothing. I wanted to start from the very beginning, so we plotted a bit and decided she would have come to the world of Gor not long before. She was originally a barbarian. She didn’t know how to speak the language on Gor at all. It was frustrating and hilarious at the same time.

That sounds like a fun character to start with. I have played both Free Woman and a slave in Gor, and I know it’s a hard transition to work with.

So now that we have that out of the way, if you don’t mind, we would like to meet your Gorean character. We will start with what is your name, and where did you come from?

C o v e t {Dark}: My name is opiate. I am not from here, but I really couldn’t tell you much of where I am from. I was born a slave and it’s all I’ve ever remembered. I don’t remember my family.

opiate, such a pretty name. Tell us, opiate, who is your owner, and maybe a little about yourself?

C o v e t {Dark}: My owner is Rhage of Harfax. I live in a villa with my Master. I don’t leave without him. I used to go to the forge with him, but I was attacked there, so unless he can keep his eyes on me all the time, he won’t take me out.

So you have no freedom at all, within your ownership? Doesn’t that get a bit difficult?

C o v e t {Dark}: Outside the villa, no. I can do whatever I want inside the villa, though. A slave belonging to one of the guards has been teaching me how to dance so I can surprise my Master with it. I don’t think it’s difficult at all. I wouldn’t feel safe out by myself anyway.

So you’re telling me that you like being locked up in the Villa? You have no desire to go outside at all, no curiosity of what might be out there?

C o v e t {Dark}: If I want to go out, my Master will take me. I just have to ask him, but generally, I’m pretty content. I’ve seen a lot of the city. We go to the market pretty regularly. My Master will sometimes give me pretty silks if I behave.

Ok, that makes a little sense. Tell us about being owned – do you think you would ever want to be a Free Woman?

C o v e t {Dark}: I would never want to be Free. I love my Master. He takes care of me and I make sure he is happy. He knows what’s best for me and I don’t question him on that at all.

And what does a slave like you do for fun around a villa? Anything special?

C o v e t {Dark}: Aside from dancing, I’ve been learning how to cook more. There are gardens as well. I can go out there during the day when my Master is gone. The sun always feels so good against my skin.

Have you had any adventures? Anything exciting happen to you?

C o v e t {Dark}: Last week, my Master took me to the markets where there was a celebration going on. We got to watch the dancing girls. There was a whole big show. I had a lot of fun watching that. Other than that, we haven’t gotten to travel much, but probably soon.

You seem very content and happy in your life as a slave, but if you had one thing you would change, what would it be?

C o v e t {Dark}: I’m not really sure. I please my Master, so I pretty much get whatever I want from him because I earn it. Of course, I wish that maybe he didn’t have to work so I wouldn’t have to miss him when he was gone, but he is very proud of the work he does, so I wouldn’t want to take that from him, either.

I have to say thank you, opiate, for taking a few moments with us. I hope you have a happy life with your Owner.

C o v e t {Dark}: Thank you, Miss. I will.

As a thank you to Covet for taking the time out of her night to do this interview, I’ve created something special for her: https://roleplayevolution.com/galleries/carebear/albums/userpics/10001/opiate01-caremay17.jpg (NSFW)