The Letter Opener

By Stabz

We all know by now how I like to start things off with a remark about the seasons! Let’s call it being a creature of habit rather than a severe case of obsessive-compulsive disorder (or worse yet, uncreative). Whatever I may be, it’s currently summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern, and I’m willing to bet at least a few of us are ready for whatever our opposite is – I know I am! It’s been so bad this year that while the July 2016 issue included a short-shorts story about hunting Pokémon under the blazing sun, there was a day recently that I caught none of the little monsters at all because I couldn’t even make it out the door. The last time that happened, I was laid up with a case of niece-borne strep throat!

Summer brings its own particular set of challenges – while the part of our chatter base that attends (or even teaches) classes may have the extra time that comes with a semester of freedom, the parents among us lose it chasing children who are home, bored, and no more interested in going outside than your friendly neighbourhood Stabz. And even for those who don’t plan on significant schedule changes, there’s always the chance of some unexpected event that ultimately has the same effect.

We’ve had more than a few of the latter in the weeks leading up to this issue. Computer crashes were a major factor, and unfortunately, some of our writers lost both time and work. While we were able to get a last-minute replacement for one of the missing articles, others had to be tabled for introduction at a later date. But never fear – we’re still bringing you the best ReVo has to offer, and we always will! Our regular columns are all right here where they belong, we’ve got recent event coverage, and as a special treat, mouth{JT} was generous enough to let yours truly take over the fiction department this time around! (And yes, it’s exactly what you’d expect from a Stabz-brand story – or is it?)

Remember, too, that even if an event isn’t covered here at ReVolutionary Theory, you can find all the details on the ReVo forums! There’s always something of substance there, whether it’s site news, chatter anouncements, or even just a casual conversation. If you haven’t taken a look recently, now’s the time!

My short-faced dog is whining, panting, and otherwise generally pathetic, and that means it’s time for me to take her on a trip to lying-on-the-tiles town! (Or maybe just boop her down to the basement, where on average, it’s twenty degrees cooler than it is upstairs even with the air conditioner on.) Whatever you’re up to this July, we wish you happy reading, happy roleplaying, and happy climate control, and we’ll see you in October for our happy Halloween edition!