Where in the World is..?

By Care

While many call ReVo their online home, our residents are actually found all over the world! Earlier this year, mouth{JT} had the great idea of helping us become even closer through a virtual tour of the ReVo globe. In this installment of Where in the World, Care introduces us to her patch of the map, a place known as:

Harrison, Michigan, United States of America

That’s the place that I call home. This very small town in northern lower Michigan has a population of maybe 2000 people. It’s one of those towns that if you don’t know where it is, then you might just miss it. It’s right off International Highway 127, with a Burger King and Quik Stop Gas Station that doubles as the only truck stop in the area. If you actually get off the highway and travel three more miles, you’ll make it into the middle of town – but if you blink, you’ll go right on by!

Harrison was named after president William Henry Harrison. It started a lumber town, then transitioned to a vacation getaway, and now it’s a place where people are raising their families. Normally, there isn’t much crime, but that’s not to say we don’t see a few things! Just recently, we had a few robberies, but the suspects were caught and taken to the Clare County Jail located in downtown Harrison.

Harrison’s major attraction, what brings in all the tourists, is “Twenty Lakes in Twenty Minutes”. There’s also a large amound of state land set aside for recreational sports. One of the biggest local events is the Clare County Fair, which is held in July and August, and in February, the Frostbie Open Golf Tournament is held on the largest lake in the area, Budd Lake. Other attractions include several historical buildings, like the Surrey House just off the main strip. It’s a relic of Harrison’s days as a lumber town. The Clare County Newspaper building is one of our oldest, dating back to 1898.

And that’s a little tour of the little town I call home!