Tag Archives: featured april 2017

The 2017 ReVo Challenge

By Geenky

ReVo’s prime directive is to continually evolve by bringing new ideas and fresh insights to the world of HTML roleplay. Our latest experiment, the ReVo Challenge, is designed to expand horizons both online and off – but how? Geenky’s here to tell us exactly that!

Okay, okay – I am sure that many of you have seen the challenge that is currently happening here at Roleplay Evolution. Some of you probably have questions, while others may have absolutely no idea what I am talking about. Well, don’t worry – that’s what this little overview is for! I hope that by the end of this article, you will be fully informed and well on your way to stepping up and joining the challenge.

So what is the ReVo Challenge? It’s a call to action that has been posted on the forums, encouraging us to engage in a whole slew of different activities that range from health and fitness to writing and roleplay. The Challenge runs through midnight (EDT) on September 12th, 2017. There are prizes both for completing the full challenge and for following through the roleplay prompts that are offered. The top prize is a lifetime membership – but if you already have a lifetime membership, you’ll be upgraded to the new “Lifetime Plus” level. You can find more information here (https://roleplayevolution.com/forums/index.php?topic=9181.0) about what is included in that. In addition, a twelve-month membership will be awarded for completing all of the roleplay prompts.

As of press time, there are already a good amount of people signed up for the Challenge and submitting completed prompts every day. The Challenge board is now one of the most active areas on the forum because people are working so tirelessly to met the requirements. Do you think you have what it takes to step up and enjoy the ReVo Challenge with us? If so, then come on down and sign up here (https://roleplayevolution.com/forums/index.php?topic=9182.0) to get started! If you have any questions, there is a Q&A thread that you can view here (https://roleplayevolution.com/forums/index.php?topic=9195.0) to see if your question has already been asked. If not, feel free to leave a question of your very own!

Role-Play and Mental Health: A Perspective

By DaPaleOne

You might – or might not – be surprised to learn that many members of our ReVo family struggle with illnesses both physical and emotional. Whether you’re among them yourself, or just wondering what effect role-play can have on achieving a healthier headspace, we offer one perspective for you to consider.

ReVolutionary Theory knows that mental/emotional illnesses, in particular, can be very personal, and that not everyone agrees on what treatments and activities are helpful – or even acceptable. While we invite you to open and continue discussion on the forums, we would like to remind you that harassing, attacking, or disaparging other players – or their choices – is never something that’s okay.

There are some who believe in mental illness and some who do not. Either way, it affects our lives very day, in every way. If you have any form of mental illness, you understand that – or if you live with or love someone who has a mental illness, you likely understand it, too. It colors everything we do – including our role play lives.

We all say, “Don’t bring real time into role-play time,” but that’s a load of crap and we all know it. When we turn on our computers, and especially when we go into a chat room and start the process of making a character, we pour a bit of ourselves into that character. In playing in the genres we choose, we release a bit of our inner mobster, biker, murderer, vampire – or whatever else we play. But most people who do not have mental illness do not understand how cathartic it is to role-play. When your brain is going ninety to nothing and you cannot get it to stop, logging in and role-playing can truly be a lifesaver at times – a floatation device in the rough seas of our minds. When our emotions get the better of us, when they rise to a point we have no way to express them, when they take over – sometimes role-play is the only means we have left to expunge those inner demons. It gives us an outlet. It allows us to speak freely to friends that do not judge, that offer advice, who may or may not be going through the same thing; but who, as a general rule, are willing to lend a helping hand by saying, “Sure, let’s play!”.

I told my shrink once that I role-played. She asked me what kind of costumes I wore for this role-play and if there was sex involved! I nearly fell off my chair, because that’s often the first thing that people thing when you say “role-play” to them – but once I explained it, she said she thought it was a great tool for people with any form of mental illness to learm basic socialization skills and have an outlet for emotional backlash. Some people blow things up in video games, while others meditate. We, as a community, role-play. But even in our community, there can still be a fear of saying you have a mental illness. The social stigma does remain, as does the anxiety of worrying about how we will be viewed or whether others will treat us differently. Here in the world of online role-play, I think that becomes much less important than it is in the outside world – although I personally couldn’t care less how the outside world views me. But for others, that is why places like ReVo are so important.

Community, friendship, kinship, and understanding are what make role-playing not only a recreational activity, but a cathartic one as well. People with mental illness use these chatrooms to release emotional baggage – pent up pain, anger, frustration, loneliness, energy, sorrow, and even happiness. We use these sites as a conduit to find our support systems, to branch out and meet people. Some we may never meet outside the rooms, some we chat with on Skype, and some, we finally get the rare honor of meeting one on one.

So when it comes to role-play and mental illness, we can make jokes or play around about it, but in the end, each can be good for the other. Some of the best role-plays I’ve ever done were in the process of handling one of my manic episodes, and I’m sure there are others out there that will agree. There may be some who don’t, too; but, hey, to each their own.

In closing, at the end of the day when you think about that role-play you just had, remember – behind each word, behind those pretty pictures, behind every screen, there is a human being with a world of their own to deal with.

Featured Character: Claude Tredeau

By Care

ReVolutionary Theory is the magazine that’s all about you – whether you’re a chatter, a player, or even a character! For this issue, Care steps into the office of vampire master Claude Tredeau.

This quarter we’re going down to the supernatural section of the whochat. I’m going to be stepping into the mind of one of the oldest characters that a player has with Claude Tredeau, a vampire within the world created by Laurell K. Hamilton.

Let’s start with the mind behind the character: Yoko!

Hey! Welcome to my little corner of the world, Yoko. To begin, why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself – How did you start roleplaying?

Yoko: That’s a story and a half! I started roleplaying way back in high school. I did Vampire: The Masquerade with a LARP troupe, but as I got older, it started to become harder to actually go out and role-play. I hopped on MSN chat one night (yes, MSN used to have chat rooms!) and found an online V:tM room. I dropped in there, and before I knew it, I was playing there every night and involved in some big storylines. I ended up meeting some new people, one of whom became my current best friend and roommate. We started a Giovanni room on MSN that became very popular, but as MSN started shutting down its chat rooms we transitioned to HTML role-play, and the rest is kind of history.

That’s very cool and interesting. So, where do you play now on Roleplay Evolution?

Yoko: Most of mine are pretty old, but I did just recently make a character named Finn for Kansas City Sins, and since Fractured Reflections is so new, my two characters there are brand new as well. Finn is a hyena lycan and Valentina and Fiona are both members of the Arcanus family.

How old is Claude? And where did the concept for him come from?

Yoko: He was created – gosh, in 2003 I believe, so he’s been around about fourteen years. What’s funny about him being my main character is that he was created as a total joke. He was my first male character. I had been up late listening to music, and that sleep-deprived slap-happiness had set in. Guru and I were joking about making a Kid Rock vampire, and so I did. He started out just a regular average vamp in the city, but somehow got more and more popular. As I began to enjoy playing him more and more, I started to develop him more by working on an actual serious backstory for him. After a few years, he went from mid-level vamp to working for the Master of the City, to serving as her second, to eventually becoming Master of the City himself.

We all love characters that kind of just take on a life of their own. Would you say that Claude has done that for you?

Yoko: Oh, absolutely. I’ve even retired him more than once, but he just keeps on finding his way back and gaining new momentum and life.

Ok, so if you are ready and he is, the next part is for him.

Yoko: Sure!

Hello, Claude. I have to say thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with us. So, tell me, what are you?

Claude: What am I? Sounds like a simple question, but it’s actually rather complex. The simple answer? I’m a Master Vampire, of course. A more complete answer? I’m a business owner, I’m a father, I’m a care giver, and a mediator over many moving pieces within my city. I’m many things all combined together to make me – me. I’d like to think I’m the only me in existance.

How did you become a father? Most of us that know vampires have heard that they can’t have children.

Claude: Well, I have four children all together and that would be four very complicated stories. But I will say this – be careful when you’re with those that control elements and temperatures, or even more so, magic. That’s all I’m going to say on that.

Well, maybe one day, we’ll get you to share the story. How do you handle business? Are you one of the vampires that can go out in the daylight?

Claude: You just want all my secrets, don’t you?. To an extent, yes, I can go out in the daylight. I can’t spend the day at the beach or work on my tan, but I can handle daylight for certain periods of time. Being able to be awake during the day if I need to is rather helpful when it comes to getting a lot done in a certain amount of time. I’m not bound to only being productive after it gets dark.

Of course we want your secrets – what reporter wouldn’t? Can you tell us, is there a difference between you and other vampires?

Claude: A difference? I would say absolutely there’s a difference. I think that once we gain strength – to the point that we’re not just one of the average everyday vampires bound to someone else’s court, but are part of our own, or even more so the master of our own court – it makes you stand out from the others. For example, I’m the master of the city. I’m the only one in the city – that makes me different. I have a specific animal to call, I come from a specific bloodline, I have a specific set of abilities. I’m the only one with that exact combination of features. So I would say, yes, there is absolutely a difference between myself and the others.

Care to share what a day/evening is like with you?

Claude: Now, that’s an interesting question. It can all depend on the day or evening. I have four children, one of which is only five years old, and two significant others, I’m Master of Kansas City and I own the most popular club there. So, there are a million combinations of what my days and evenings could look like. I do try to rise as early as possible, without putting myself in jeopardy, in order to spend time with my children, especially my youngest. Sometimes that means playing in the garden or at the playground. She loves to swim and we have a rather large indoor pool at the estate. She loves all the things that most five year old girls love. Until she’s in bed, I try to have my focus on her,just being her father. As I said, I currently have two significant others, so I do try to spend time with them as well. I take care of any court business that might need to be handled, and if there’s time left in my evening, I enjoy getting to spend time relaxing at Sins of the Flesh, the club I mentioned before. That’s a pretty typical day or evening – when I get the luxury of a typical day or evening.

Two significant others? How do you handle that? I mean are they both women or men? Yes, Claude, we are asking if you are a player?

Claude: A player? Moi? You flatter me. I don’t know if player is the word I would use, but I handle it pretty easily, actually. They both live in the estate with me. They know each other, and while I wouldn’t go so far as to say that they’re the best of friends, they’re at the very least civil and friendly with each other. They’re both equally important to me. They understand that monogamy is not something that fits my lifestyle and neither one of them expects it from me. I don’t hide things from them, and I don’t expect anything from them that I myself am not willing to give. It works out rather well for all three of us.

Has there been a time where you weren’t what seems to be on top of the world?

Claude: Of course. I’ve had to work very hard to achieve what I have now, building this life for myself. In my human life, I was nothing special – just an everyday insignificant man, and that really didn’t change upon starting my life as a vampire. I was still a nobody, insignificant. We all are in the beginning. It hasn’t been a smooth rise to where I am now, either. I have suffered great loss, lost more than a few people who were deeply important to me. Even my children have suffered. It’s not easy being a good father when you don’t rise until their bedtime and die for the day before they wake up. The last thirty or so years of my life have completely changed who and what I am.

How did it change your life? I mean, you’re a vampire. You rise and die and then drink blood, right? That’s all there is to it?

Claude: That’s like saying a person wakes up, eats a sandwich, and goes to bed, and that’s all there is to them. There is so much more. On top of the members of my family and the others under my care and protection, like my leopards, I’m responsible for every vampire in my city. As I grow in power it constantly changes me. The people who have come in and out of my life have changed me. And more than anything, my children have changed me in so many ways. They make me see the world differently, They’ve made me see myself differently. I’ve had flaws in myself pointed out that I’ve had to work on and change to be a better father and a better Master. It’s a very common strategy to rule by fear, and yes, sometimes, it’s necessary, but it’s not the only way. There can be positive change if you work hard enough at it.

You mentioned ruling by fear. How do you rule your own piece of the world?

Claude: Through respect, both given and earned, and through the message of co-existance. Having my children, and each of them being so very different from the others, has shown me that we don’t need to exist in these separate communities, where everyone take cares of themselves and nobody else. We can work together. Vampires, lycans, humans with abilities, humans with no abilities at all. I have seen so many wars break out between groups simply because nobody wanted to reach out to each other or have each other’s backs. Or even more so, because of fear; because everyone fears in some way what they don’t know and understand. And I am very proud of the fact that there has not been a single major war within my city while I’ve been Master of the City. Even Humans First is an almost insignificant speck in the city, and that’s not a small task, trust me.

Humans First – what exactly is that?

Claude: Simply put, Humans First is a group that believes that humans are the only ones that should exist. They hate everything non-human – Vampires, lycans, fae, even other humans with non-human abilities. But they don’t just hold rallies and picket – they take people, torture them, commit murder. They perform all sorts of horrible acts of violence in the hopes of a humans only world.

Interesting. Well, I have to say thank you again for taking time out of your busy day for this. Is there anything you would like to say to the readers?

Claude: I thank you for your time as well. Hopefully, I’ve helped paint the picture that not everybody is exactly what they seem.

What’s Up, ReVo?

By Yoko

Have you been thinking of branching out from your usual home, maybe dipping into your toes into some other pools and trying a new style of roleplay? Then keep reading, because this is your guide to what’s happening all over the wide world of ReVo! Let’s take a little tour together, shall we?

Our first stop is Rebels and Reapers. If the world of Motorcycle Clubs is right up your alley, then this section of the whochat is for you!

We have a brand new room open! Ashes of Anarchy has some exciting things happening. A new charter is forming and clubs from around the country are making the move to be part of it – but there’s plenty happening elsewhere in the section! In Reaper’s Salvation, there’s a nasty battle brewing between the town, its authority figures, and the club itself, which isn’t going to go down without a fight. Brotherhood of Mayhem has its share of excitement, too – kidnappings, gun runs, DEA agents after the Sons and more! Prophecy, AZ saw newborns and new businesses coming to town, shaking up the lives of the residents.

It sounds like things are always happening in these exciting rooms, so be sure to check them out!

Jumping off from all that excitement, we head to our next point of interest, Creative Dimensions! Looking to get lost (literally) on a deserted island? Cast yourself away at Purgatory Island. Two groups have formed there – the beach dwellers and the inland dwellers. We have a new room open here as well – The Dead States is based on Fear the Walking Dead and takes place prior to the zombie apocalypse. So if you’ve ever wondered what it was like to be there from the start, we’ve got you covered! There’s even more zombie fun to be had in Day of Reckoning – Dangerous supply runs, scouting trips, the dead moving around, and the dangers of what the living have to bring to the table.

Make sure you take a peek at the plots forming in The Syndicate and its subroom as well, as new characters are formed and come into play. If you’re looking for something different, toss your lot in with Alcatraz Reborn, where you can be part of play inside a dangerous prison. Cannibals, inmates, and wardens, oh my!

Looking to help out a great room that’s searching for new players and ideas? Stop by Sagas Untold! Their vampire and asylum play is picking up steam, but they’re always open to more.

We’re moving on, folks! It’s time to take things to the next level with Erotic Impulses. So what’s happening in this sexy neck of the woods? There are a lot of really great rooms in this section that are all willing to help curious visitors, so if you’re looking to try something new, it’s a great place to do it!

Fantasy Envisioned is our next stop! We have yet another exciting new room with The Anomaly Engine, a pocket universe full of supernatural forces and steampunk flare! Are comic books your more thing? Drop in on Marvel United or DC Noir, as both are gearing up for some fun stuff.

Have you always wanted to live inside a magical world where you can pick up a sword and shield, a bow and arrow, or even a mage’s staff, and head into a kingdom full of fantasy fun? Swing by Visgothia and see what it has to offer!

As we continue exploring the ReVo whochat, we find ourselves in Gor Unchained. We have three additional rooms to welcome this month! City of Tor, Port of Schendi and Beyond, and The Paravaci Territories are all brand new to ReVo, so make sure to stop by and say hi!

In Crimson Claw Lair, there’s excitement over whether or not they’re going to stay in the forest or move on as warmer weather heads their way. Gudrun Dair is also preparing for warmer weather and planting season. What will the change of seasons mean for them?

Port Kar is swirling with speculation and tension about what it means that the Gray (a colour indicative of the Caste of Thieves) are lying low – is something coming that the citizens should be worried about? Pop in and find out! Harfax is growing and looking for new players as well.

Next on our journey is History Relived! If you long for days gone by, this section could be calling your name. Blackethorne Bluff celebrated a birth in their world, just in time for spring! Valor’s Keep has seen the stirring of dragons and strange lights in the distance. What are they? You’ll only find out if you dare to venture in!

And that brings us to the largest part of our tour: Supernatural Awakenings, where you’ll find all the things that go bump in the night! So let’s dive in, shall we? We welcomed two new rooms this month: Crescent City and Dark Masquerade Mansion, which made its jump from Erotic Impulses. Moonlight Requiem has a subroom which focuses on humans only play, but in the main room, you can find a US Congressman hidden away, as well as strange lights in the whispering woods. Tune in to see what happens next there!

Antebellum, Washington saw some big changes this month with the addition of a new city, giving players the chance to branch out in Seattle; a new subroom that offers play all over the world; and the opening of McNeil Academy. Make sure to see the excitement for yourself! Kansas City Sins also went through a change, going down to only one side of the city – play now focuses around Kansas City, Kansas. So long, Missouri!

Want to head under the sea? Merfolk are now playable in Topsail Island by Twilight! Delving deeper still, we reach Fractured Reflections, where there lives a family of vampire-like beings known as the Arcanus. These beings can travel between the reflections, working to unlock the world known as the In Between. But is everything as it seems? Glance in and find out!

And that, folks, concludes our tour of the wide world of ReVo – but don’t forget to check out our Transilient Experiments and Reality Revolution, too! Also watch for new descriptive tags being added to many of the rooms on the whochat, to give you a better idea of what you’ll find inside!

Once again, welcome to all of our new rooms – we can’t wait to see you there – and until next time, happy travelling!

Featured Room: Prophecy AZ

By Care

While our chatters are the heart and soul of roleplay, rooms are what give their characters a place to become incarnate. Managing rooms can be a difficult but ultimately rewarding task, and each leader has taken their own road to the “top”. In this issue, Care shows us how things are heating up in the Southwest!

This issue we find ourselves within the newest section of Roleplay Evolution, Rebels and Reapers. This section features rooms that focus on motorcycle clubs and the criminal activity that can accompany them. If you’re wondering, yes, folks, this section was created due to the demand we found here at ReVo for Sons of Anarchy rooms.

In the first issue of ReVolutionary Theory, we touched base with a character from the Sons of Anarchy: Long Beach room – then we watched as the growth happened, and now the section is eight rooms strong. But we don’t just have Sons of Anarchy rooms! We have other motorcycle clubs with Blood and Asphalt and Coastal Harbor, and then we expanded into the Mayans, which is soon to be a Sons of Anarchy spin-off show on FX. So we took a few moments and sat down with the owner of one of the original Sons of Anarchy rooms on Roleplay Evolution, to get his thoughts and words on Prophecy AZ.

Hi, Rutger, and thank you for taking the time to do this interview for our readers.

Rutger: You’re welcome.

Many of us on ReVo, known that Prophecy AZ started as Anarchy Vegas, how did your change come about?

Rutger: The change came about through a role-play that ended up giving the Sons charter in Vegas too much exposure. As the local press descended on them after their hand in assisting with the breakup of a human trafficking ring, the charter heads decided it was a good time for them to move to a smaller, less dense area. They rescued many women and children, but it brought them too much attention for the clubs’ liking.

What made you as the room owner not only create the room, but change it to Prophecy?

Rutger: Well, the room was not my original creation. Though many things have happened to make it mine, it was once owned by another player, who portrayed the club president. They moved on to take care of real time things and asked that I be allowed to take over the room.

What are some things that set Prophecy apart from the other rooms in Rebels and Reapers Section?

Rutger: I am not certain on that, as I haven’t really played in the other rooms. I think we have a well defined richness of character in there, for the most part, and there is a lot that goes on that doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the club. Sometimes characters get involved and sometimes they don’t. Everyone has their own story, and I wanted people that liked the atmosphere but didn’t really want to play a part of the motorcycle club to have something – so there are people there that were local to this small town long before the Sons arrived, but there are also many aspects as well where the club was tied to the town for decades.

Tell me, what kind of things have you done to make it a fun atmosphere in Prophecy to keep your players happy and active?

Rutger: There is a lot of serious and heartbreaking roleplay that goes on, but we do have fun with some things. Around the holidays, we have a party. At Halloween, some come in in costumed avatars (Ryan has a Spartacus-style AV with a decent head swap that makes everyone laugh). This past Christmas we did a Christmas pajama party as well.

Name one of your favorite things about the style of roleplay done in Prophecy?

Rutger: One of my favorite things in Prophecy is that everyone brings something different to the table. Also, the players that are there do seem to understand that what’s inside is roleplay, meaning most don’t get butthurt if another character is mean to them – in character, of course. Some of the roleplay gets pretty intense. We do have limits, but there are not that many.

Could you name a few of the characters in Prophecy and maybe what they do?

Rutger: A few, huh? Well, there is Ryan O’Connall. He is the president of the Prophecy Sons charter, and former President of the currently-defunct Vegas charter (that will be coming back into play). Kaleb O’Farrell is the Vice-President and pretty much the most level headed guy in the club. Alan “Random” Ritter is the Sargeant at Arms and keeps the president from getting his ass killed. There are several brothers – Johnny (Preacher), Donnie (Big Red) Finn, Liam, Razor, Sebastain, Ty, Scratch, Mutt, and a bunch of others have come through, though I don’t remember the names. Silas Tieval is a charter head that drops in every now and then to cause trouble and give the guys shit. The old ladies really keep the club together in more ways than one. Right now, they are Jude (Kaleb’s and Ty’s old lady; a tattoo artist, musician and resident therapist at times), and Dina, who is married to Liam and is a nurse. Dina has grown up in the club and now has a brother and husband in its ranks as well. It is a toss-up on who the resident queen bee is. Persia is an associate of the Sons and runs the local fight club, but also has her own business dealings. Highly successful, she has lent aid to and gotten aid and protection from the Sons. Haven is the younger sister of Ryan and Liam, who was in a band and is now looking to settle down with her family. We also have a myriad of town folks and business owners. Emily Logan owns Logan’s Diner, and Bud Joey and his daughter Pal run the local Harley shop. Krysta works for both Op4 Tactical and Bud’s Harley, and is dating Donnie. Declan runs the local laundromat and is looking into becoming a probie. Hazel owns the hotel. There are a few others, but not steady players of late. The local law enforcement includes Sheriff Jason Garret and his deputy Ames Halliday – and then there are the bad guys. They come and go, but currently, the most notable is Nick Moses, a smarmy former brother and now the head of a meth ring.

Have you and your players ever had what I’m going to call a “What the Fuck” moment while roleplaying?

Rutger: We have had a butt ton of “What the Fuck?” moments in roleplay.

Could you name that “What the Fuck” moment, and tell us a little about it?

Rutger: One involved Ryan being kidnapped and tortured, broadcasted on a closed circuit for everyone to see and Mutt walking out in his underwear during the broadcast asking if it was a porno. More recently, twins delivered in a ditch under gunfire (because our chicks are bad asses). Also recently, we had Ryan pulling a gun and appearing to be on the brink of killing Johnny, when he was really aiming for the guy behind him. That got a lot of “What the Fucks?” before the reveal.

As Room Leader, do you have a favorite character you like to see in the roleplay? Why?

Rutger: Oh, there are way too many to count. I love to watch everyone do their thing, especially when they are in their element and everything just flows. We have certain people that play off of each other very well, and the roleplay is just spot on.

Have you held any events in Prophecy? If so, could you tell us what they were, and if not, do you plan on hosting any events?

Rutger: We have had some private room things, like the club Christmas parties and barbecues and so on. Where we were at before, I did a game of Clue modernized by using some of the brothers for the suspect cards. It went over well and I will probably try it here.

As we said before, Prophecy is a newer room, having changed from Anarchy Vegas – but in all the time you have been on ReVo, has there ever been anything that just made you stop and just laugh your ass off? If so, what was it?

Rutger: Well, in the time I have been on ReVo, there have been some pretty funny moments. Anything with Bill in it was always incredibly funny because he was just an old biker that wasn’t afraid to say what was on his mind. But I will say one of the funnier moments was when the guys ended up in Mexican jail and Tank and Haven came to bail them out, and the police wanted to keep Donnie. Also, when it was still Vegas, one of the bad guys’ groups planned on attacking Persia’s night club, Bijou. The guys got wind of this and went in and decided to trap the bad guys instead, which they achieved by wearing the strippers’ “I Dream of Jeannie” type costumes, complete with veils and all (that’s one hairy woman)!

We touched on the funniest and the most “What the Fuck?” moments, but how about the steamiest? We all know that Sons of Anarchy, the show, was all about the sex appeal. Do you have that within Prophecy?

Rutger: Of course we do. While I have had to limit the amount of public scening (there was a lot, and there’s nothing wrong with going so far and closing the curtain), a lot of the character interactions convey sexual tension or chemistry depending on the characters. We have also been unafraid to explore such things outside the typical male/female relationship, which makes for good roleplay.

How can a person get involved in the roleplay within Prophecy?

Rutger: It’s fairly easy. We have areas open that wouldn’t require a character to even know about the Sons when they come in. Some people have started off already being citizens of Prophecy. Our players are pretty easy to get along with and happy to help anyone that wants to bring their ideas into the room.

Is there anything you want to share with the readers and roleplayers of ReVo?

Rutger: I think this about covered it, so just to come in, watch some roleplay, and check it out for yourself.

Thank you for taking the time to do this for us!

I Played What?!

By Joy Naomi

If you came to this page looking for Joy’s gamer interview, don’t worry, you’re not lost! For this issue, we’re giving the game itself an interview – which is to say that Joy’s going to play it for us and tell us what she thought! Be warned that this article may contain strong language and violence toward small appliances.

I Played What?!

I have decided to try something new and I need your help!

In the Xbox market there is a section for free games. I have decided to try these free games and give you all a review of them. For this first installment, I chose th game, but I want you to decide what I play next! At the end of this review, I will have a list of three games. I want you to choose which I’ll review for the next article. You can PM me on the boards or via Skype, and the game with the most votes will be the game I play and review next. Now – onward to the review!

For this review, I decided to play Roblox. It was – interesting, to say the least. Roblox is a user-generated massively multiplayer online social gaming platform developed and published by the Roblox Corperation. It was released in 2006. (Information taken from Wikipedia). Basically, it’s one big download with a bunch of games in it that the players themselves have made. There are software and other tools you can download and use to actually make the games both you and others play!

Honestly, I didn’t care for this game, but I’ll get more into that later. Since there were so many games within it to play, I only played three of them – it would take way to long to get through them all. I will admit that I suck and can’t remember the names of the games (sorry!), but I will describe them to you the best I can.

The first game I played was simple enough – or was it? You’re put on a platform with a bunch of huge ice blocks in the middle. The goal is to scoot the ice blocks over the edge of the platform. Do that, and you earn points. Simple, right? Yeah, I thought so too – but what they didn’t tell you is that when you touch an ice block, it’s yours, but when others touch it, it’s theirs. So, basicially, you could be strolling along, minding your own business and pushing an ice block, almost have it to the edge to get your point, and – BAM! Out of nowhere, some stealthy motherfucker pops up and touches your ice block right before it goes over the edge, and they get your point! That game caused me a rage like no other. After a few rounds of an asshat stealing my points, I was out for blood! Oh, by the way, did I mention that you could possibly go over the edge yourself – and die?! Yeah, you can – so not only do you have to watch out for a ninja bitch stealing your ice block, you also have to watch out to make sure your pretty little ass doesn’t get shoved off the edge, too. In and of itself, it wasn’t a bad game – the game play was simple enough, but I feel like it wasn’t explained all that well, because I had no clue other people could steal my ice block points.

The second game I tried was a little less rage inducing, but it wasn’t the best. Basically, you’re put in a store and divided into teams, then you run around the store and pick up objects to throw or to hit members of the opposite team with. I admit, this was kind of fun – and a good stress reliever after the first game! There really wasn’t much to this game – you just picked up random crap. At one point, I think I was chasing someone down with a boombox, and then I got chased down with a stop sign. All in all, I think the game was pretty pointless, but chasing someone and beating them down with a boombox is still a good time.

The final game I played was some sort of running game. It looked pretty straight forward – you just run a course and get timed. Well, it wasn’t that straight forward at all! Again, they weren’t very thorough when it came to explaining things. This time, what they fail to tell you is that while running, you have to jump over to the next part of the course. It took me about three times to figure out how to jump. Once I figured that out, it wasn’t so bad. It was actually kind of fun, but I never could get my speed up because I was too focused on not falling off the side of a mountain to my certain death. If I were to ever try Roblox again, I would be more likely to play this game than the others.

Game Rating: 3.5 out of 5


• It’s a nice concept to have the players make the games
• You can meet new people.
• It has a large selection of games

Cons (based on the games I played):

• Gameplay isn’t explained well.
• On some of the games, the controls are hard to figure out.

Now, for next time I need your help figuring out a game to play! Below are three choices, so as I said, pick from those and either PM me on the boards or catch me on Skype. The game with the most votes will be the game I play next and review. Keep in mind, I don’t know what these games are about and I have never played them. I just looked in the marketplace and chose three random games!

1. Clicker Heroes
2. Onigiri
3. Happy Dungeons

Doomsday Prepping: A Primer

By Halcyon

The current state of affairs both at home and abroad – no matter where home is – has given many cause for concern about the future. Others have long believed the end is nigh. Whether you fear nuclear annihilation, a mysterious uprising, or are just curious about the phenomenon known as “prepping”, Halcyon is here to get you started! Even if you decide the full prepper lifestyle isn’t for you, it’s always a good idea to have plans in place for a variety of emergencies – don’t wait until it’s too late!

Prepping: The Doomsday, Apocalypse, Zombie Guide:
Don’t Get Caught Unprepared!

Even if the world didn’t already seem like it’s on the verge of Armageddon some days, prepping – whether for catastrophes or as a way of being ready for any unforeseen event – is still a very good skill to learn, and one that you can modify for you and your family.

While prepping is by no means mainstream and generally still thought of as unconventional, there’s a lot more information out there than when I started – so much so, in fact, that it can be overwhelming. While I always advocate doing your own research, I’m hoping that my years of it can be of use. At the very least, I can give you a place to start.

De-clutter and Organise

This is vital before you start. I can’t stress it enough. As many tips and tricks as I might give, I don’t think any are quite as important as this. Once you take inventory, you will be surprised at how much you already have, and it will save you money.

Hand in hand with de-cluttering and organisation is taking stock of how much space you can devote to your prepping, as well as figuring out your own personal reasons for wanting to prep. If you are living in a smaller space – like an apartment or even a tiny home – you can still prep. You may simply have to make a place in a closet or spare room, or devote part of your garage to it.

Every scenario for prepping brings with it different needs. Someone who fears an economic downfall is not going to prep the same way as someone who fears the resurgence of a previously contained disease. There might be general similarities, but priorities are likely to be different.

Here’s a checklist to help you get started:

• Make an inventory of what you already have. Everything from pantry to cleaning supplies – and don’t forget the outside freezer if you have one!
• Toss out expired items, from food to cleaning supplies and medication. Think of it as streamlining.
• Organise what you have. Label bins and boxes and prepare the space you are going to use.
• Create a Master List. Use a computer program, if it helps, and update it regularly.
• Whatever space you use, utilise it effectively. Trust me when I say that once you start, you will be surprised at just how much you will pack away, and without a good method of organisation you will run out of room fast.

Efficiency is the cardinal rule of prepping. There are great sites that can walk you through making the best use of whatever size space you have. Even Pinterest has great ideas on utilising space.

Each segment of this series will tackle a different step toward prepping. If you decide to go on this adventure, it’s important to know that it does not come without bias or criticism. While prepping has come a long way, many still fail to see the value prepping might have. You’re going to have thick skin, because chances are that everyone – from friends to family to strangers – will have an opinion and many of those opinions will not be nice. You’ll need to take judgmental comments in stride. Prepping is about taking responsibility for your survival and the survival of those dependent on you. The sooner you accept that, the safer you will be in the future. It’s human nature to get comfortable in your home and life and think that nothing bad is going to happen until it does. Many people leave it to first responders and the government to help, but as was seen with Hurricane Katrina, that is not always a reliable plan. I think prepping helps us take the first step toward being responsible for ourselves and our family.

Iron Fist: A Review

By Christian

Here at ReVo, we’re no strangers to comic lore! Whether you’re a die-hard collector with every issue ever printed or a casual fan who’s content to take in a few flicks, almost all of us have crossed paths with a variety of heroes, villains, and sidekicks. But with so many properties now being adapted in so many ways, it can be difficult to judge what is – or isn’t – worth our time. Luckily, Christian’s here to help! In this issue, he takes a look at Netflix’s Iron Fist so we don’t have to – but that doesn’t mean you won’t still want to!

Be aware that this review contains minor spoilers for both the basic concepts of Iron Fist and some changes that were made for the show!

The original Netflix series Iron Fist is yet another part of the ever growing Marvel Television/Netflix projects. It’s been a month since it dropped, which has given me time to process all thirteen episodes and put words down on paper.

Of the four Netflix series produced by Marvel Television, Iron Fist would probably be labeled the most questionable and controversial. Usually every time a new Marvel Netflix series drops, some people want to see Marvel flop and deliver a dud, but even this time around it looks like Marvel has escaped that status for their latest series.

While it does have some problems, Iron Fist still wins the fight. From the announcement of the casting of Finn Jones there had been nothing but disdain from some critics about Marvel’s casting of the character being whitewashing. To this, we could say some rather harsh words to these people who obviously have never picked up a comic book. You won’t be bored with a lecture of how Finn’s character, Danny Rand, has always been a white American boy who learns Kung-Fu from – dare I say – another dimension; which brings us to the second recent complaint: That the series got Asian culture as a whole wrong. Being as Iron Fist was trained in a culture from another dimension described as one of the cities of Heaven, it would be easy to say that the culture could be whatever one wanted it to be, and not have to adhere to the stereotypical standards of what Hollywood or even reality have to say about Asian culture – because, let’s face it, Iron Fist doesn’t come from anywhere traditional.

More concerns about faults in the series are the story’s pacing and the choreography of the fight scenes. These might be the only truly valid points one can gripe about. However, to me, the pacing seemed good and steady from the get go. On the other hand, no one can fault people for complaining about the story of the series. One can imagine that when you hear about a series called ‘Iron Fist’, which is being billed as a martial arts adventure, one would expect something along the lines of Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan, but this was the opposite. The series isn’t about fighting – in fact, Danny barely uses the Iron Fist throughout the series, which is a good thing, as all problems aren’t solved with his powers.

If anything, this series serves as nothing more than a set up for Netflix’s next series, The Defenders, which will have all four series headliners being drawn together. For anyone paying attention, you can easily see the Hand has been a running theme through Daredevil, which links it to Iron Fist. There is the use of Rosario Dawson’s character, Claire Temple – also known as Night Nurse – which connects Iron Fist to Luke Cage. If you listen closely to the dialogue, we get a mention of Jessica Jones as, “A really good private investigator when she can stay sober,” and Carrie-Anne Moss once again plays the edgy attorney Jerri Hogarth, who was also in Jessica Jones. Iron Fist can easily be said to have served as a meeting ground for this televised universe to blossom. From the heroin cooked up by the Hand, first seen in Daredevil, to the precedent set by Luke Cage revealing his abilities to the whole of New York, we see all roads leading to this would-be Rome, with Madame Gao leading the way.

It’s easy to see how Iron Fist can rank #4 out of the four series so far. However, just because it may take last place doesn’t make it any less enjoyable. Sure, the fight scenes are questionably done. They bring up memories of the Batman episode with Bruce Lee (as Kato) fighting Robin, and Lee having to hold back because of Burt Ward’s lack of fighting ability, which blatantly showed on camera. Obviously the two to four hours a day Finn spent training for the role wasn’t enough, but that doesn’t take the fun out of the fights.

Iron Fist is a fish out of water story on many levels. The first is a man who returns home only to slowly learn that that home isn’t what he imagined it was, as time has moved onward in those fifteen years he’d been away. But Danny was a fish in a strange pond during his time in the Heavenly dimensional city of K’un-Lun, too. This is something else that can justify Danny Rand being cast as a white man, but again, that casting doesn’t require any form of justification in the first place, as most critics don’t understand the source material being adapted when these shows are produced.

This brings us to another point: Adaption. Iron Fist is beautifully adapted from the source material of the comics. From the use of the Meachum Family, to the inclusion of Colleen Wing as the Daughter of the Dragon, right down to her love for white attire. In the comics, Harold and Ward Meachum are brothers. Joy Meachum is the daughter of Harold Meachum and the niece of Ward. The change of Ward becoming Harold’s son, along with Joy becoming his sister, made for a much better dynamic on screen. Harold was shaped into a far more superior villain than his crippled comic book counterpart – who only stuck around for four issues of Marvel Premiere before being killed off prior to the launch of Iron Fist’s first short lived solo series – could have ever hoped.

While Danny isn’t as strong a lead character as, say, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, or Luke Cage, what makes him hold his own are his surrounding plot lines. From the creation of a Hand splinter group through the villain Bakuto, to the heartfelt fight between himself and his best friend Davos, who we see at the end working his way to easily becoming the Steel Serpent (Davos’s comic book counterpart), these are just a few of the many Easter Eggs scattered throughout the series. (Anyone catch Stan Lee?)

In the end, Iron Fist was going to be a hard sell for Marvel. To begin with, the series had numerous script rewrites, and at one point, Marvel Television even stated they had no idea what direction to go in with the character. The 1970s haven’t been around for almost half a century now. Iron Fist is a bit late to the small screen, but that just adds to the whole “fish out water” theme. The series itself is a bit of the same, but the bottom line is Iron Fist does deliver: It was entertaining, it had balance between fighting and intrigue, and it gives us a great springboard for what is to come from the future of Marvel Television and Netflix. It proves once again that Marvel Television works wonders with what they have at their disposal.

Where in the World is..?

By Care

While many call ReVo their online home, our residents are actually found all over the world! Earlier this year, mouth{JT} had the great idea of helping us become even closer through a virtual tour of the ReVo globe. In this installment of Where in the World, Care introduces us to her patch of the map, a place known as:

Harrison, Michigan, United States of America

That’s the place that I call home. This very small town in northern lower Michigan has a population of maybe 2000 people. It’s one of those towns that if you don’t know where it is, then you might just miss it. It’s right off International Highway 127, with a Burger King and Quik Stop Gas Station that doubles as the only truck stop in the area. If you actually get off the highway and travel three more miles, you’ll make it into the middle of town – but if you blink, you’ll go right on by!

Harrison was named after president William Henry Harrison. It started a lumber town, then transitioned to a vacation getaway, and now it’s a place where people are raising their families. Normally, there isn’t much crime, but that’s not to say we don’t see a few things! Just recently, we had a few robberies, but the suspects were caught and taken to the Clare County Jail located in downtown Harrison.

Harrison’s major attraction, what brings in all the tourists, is “Twenty Lakes in Twenty Minutes”. There’s also a large amound of state land set aside for recreational sports. One of the biggest local events is the Clare County Fair, which is held in July and August, and in February, the Frostbie Open Golf Tournament is held on the largest lake in the area, Budd Lake. Other attractions include several historical buildings, like the Surrey House just off the main strip. It’s a relic of Harrison’s days as a lumber town. The Clare County Newspaper building is one of our oldest, dating back to 1898.

And that’s a little tour of the little town I call home!

The Awakening: Being Here

By Halcyon

Life is hard. From the moment we open our infant eyes to the blinding white of a delivery room until we follow that light to places unknown, it seems there’s always something trying to stand in our way. There are days when all you want to do is give in, let it take over, and be swept away to anywhere but here. In her new series The Awakening, Halcyon hopes that giving us a lifeline will help us find our way back.

The Awakening: Being Here

One small crack doesn’t mean that you are broken. It means that you were put to the test and you did not fall apart. (Linda Poindexter)

This new series was originally intended to be something else entirely – and while I may incorporate some of what I’d planned to, it will only be those thoughts that I think pertain to this.

So what is “this” about, you might be wondering? What exactly does “Being Here” mean? Before I reveal that, let me tell you a little about how I got here and why the sudden shift to a different article. Simply enough, I got sick. Not a cold or flu, and not anything life threatening like cancer. In fact, as I write this, I am still not certain what is going on. For lack of a concrete diagnosis I am going to use “chronic pain”, as it’s been three years now. I’ve steadily worked my way up the narcotic ladder with no real change in how I feel. I am no longer working at a physical job, but doing mainly freelance as I try to ascertain my situation and how I might be able to earn money writing.

With that in mind, let me explain this series. “The Awakening” is a journey toward “Being Here,” which essentially means, being present. I’ve been lucky enough to have known, and still know, some pretty amazing people who have been confronted with major illness and obstacles, who still manage to be present in their life and walk through the difficulties with joy, a smile, and a capacity to view these obstacles as an adventure. This series will be as much a learning process for me as it will be for you, because I have struggled with this “chronic pain”, and I am not ashamed to say that I have felt a healthy amount of self-pity and anger over it. My life has changed dramatically in the last three years, and it’s a struggle trying to see the positive and maintain a joyful outlook on life when I am weighed down by pain so much of the time.

I believe that positive thinking can help in many aspects of our lives. As someone who also struggles with mental illness, and who’s chosen to be off meds for about three years, I work hard on keeping perspective and balance in my life, but I have found that chronic pain cuts through my defenses and my perspective in ways that I was not prepared for. It’s even left me thinking that I might have to reconsider my choice on being medication free, but I truly feel that the cessation of my medication was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

My epiphany about this article came as I scrolling through Facebook and a former co-worker tagged me in a meme about JOY. My co-worker, Lisa, is a cancer survivor. I say that in a less definite way than some, because Lisa is still going through chemotherapy – she was diagnosed with cancer, for the fifth time, fifteen months ago. It had started as breast cancer, but spread and has now progressed to bones and liver – but she is still here. I got her a bangle bracelet that says “F#ck Cancer” because that is her mantra. In working with her for five years, I watched her battle cancer twice, with such ferocity and force of spirit that you would not know her struggle if you did not know her well yourself.

We worked in customer service. She still works there, as an assistant manager for the store, and is beloved by all the customers. Prior to my changing jobs, she had been told that there was no more they could do. Her oncologist said quit working, spend time with your husband and your family (she has no children), and live whatever time you have left. That lasted three weeks before her husband found a different doctor and she decided “F#ck Cancer!” She will never be in remission or “cancer-free” like some people. She has had cancer so many times, and her body is so ravaged by it, that she will always have cancer cells in her body. What her treatment does is maintain those very low numbers so she can live. But Lisa doesn’t just live, she LIVES! She told me on a regular basis that once you are faced with your mortality and you realise that you are on borrowed time, your perspective changes drastically, and she wishes it hadn’t taken cancer to change that perspective for her.

We’ve all heard that, right? Live like today is your last day. But do we really do it? No. We always think we have time, but we don’t – and so I decided maybe, we can learn together how to LIVE, and not just live, even when we’re faced with hardship. There’s definitely a time to cry, to rail against the hand you were dealt in life, but I think it’s how we face it at the end that becomes most telling of who we are inside and exposes what we’re really made of. I think that giving ourselves the motivation and skills to deal with things gracefully and humbly can only benefit us, helping us progress toward that state of Being Here and Being Present, especially during those times when it is most important.