Happy Anniversary, ReVo!

By Stabz

It’s become a tradition at ReVo to celebrate the anniversary of its founding with a one-night roleplay extravaganza. Over the years, these events have taken numerous forms, from no-holds-barred all-realm crossovers to a field trip to Jurassic Park!

This year, organizers Hippolyta and Veritas decided to try something a little different by doing something (almost) exactly the same! Rather than design a whole new event, they invited us to revisit the Ouroboros Society, a mysterious organization seemingly focused on obtaining eternal life.

If you were among the party that travelled to Society headquarters last year, you might recall that play unfolded through a puzzle-based exploration of an aging mansion. This year’s journey began in much the same way, but quickly spiralled into an experience no one expected and few will forget. The clues revealed through books, phonographs, and close examination of the items in the room led members to believe they had been drawn back to complete a rite not only arcane, but erotic as well.

Through a ritual that mixed pain and pleasure to open an orgiastic pathway into Hell itself, the particpants were able to summon the Whore of Babylon, who permitted them a single question: What did Alistair Crowley seek, and what did you give him? From her response, they learned that he sought knowledge and power of a sort not meant for mortals, and that while she could not grant him that on her own, she could teach him how to reach one who possesses such ability: The author of the Necronomicon, the Mad Arab, Abdul Alhazred himself.

With Crowley now suspected to be in possession of the true Necronomicon, the world may be in great danger. If the words of the Whore can be trusted, the only way to avert the disaster to come may be to acquire a single existing copy of the forbidden tome, transcribed from the original but lost to time and memory. The Whore has left a clue as to its whereabouts – but who will seek it out, and when?