The Letter Opener

Happy seasonal salutation of your choice here!

First, let me offer my sincere apologies for how long it’s taken to get this issue out. If the road to Hell is really paved with good intentions, we’ve got our very own highway.

Those of us in the States – or who have connections or friends in the States – know how hard Mother Nature came down on our hemisphere this year. From hurricanes to wildfires to wind chills of twenty below, it seemed like her wrath would never end – and still does. (And I certainly don’t mean to leave out our friends in other countries! I’m just not as aware of what’s been going on with you.) We’re fortunate that everyone in the ReVo family seems to have weathered their respective storms, but that doesn’t mean we were unaffected. Several members of the ReVolutionary Theory team were either forced to evaculate or left without utilities. Because of that, we decided that, rather than put additional stress and pressure on them to help us fill our regular October issue, we’d delay publication in favour of releasing a supersized December/holiday issue instead.

Even then, that freshly-paved road didn’t offer a smooth ride. Illnesses and upheavals continued to rock our worlds. In the end, we had to settle for giving you what we could when we could, and for the parts that were my fault – and most of the recent ones were – I’m sorry.

So here we are again, back at the end of one year and the beginning of another. The last time we met in this spot, I expressed a hope that a fresh page on the calendar would mean a fresh start, too, but it feels like it’s just been more of the same – and I know I’m not the only one to hold that sentiment.

Where, then, do we go?

I don’t know. I could offer you something empty and pseudo-inspirational like, “Forward,” but to be honest, I’m pretty sure at least some of us only keep going forward because no one’s invented a way to go back (or sideways) yet. So rather than head down yet another path that won’t end up anywhere good, I’ll take the cheater’s way out and just say, “How about into the pages of the new issue?”

Because we do at least have that! No matter how many delays or difficulties we run into along the way, it’s our intention to always be here for you – eventually. We have almost all of our regular features, as well as a couple of Christmas treats that will have you pretending we aren’t actually on January’s soggy, sloggy doorstep!

And on top of that, I’ve got a message for you from our Fearless Leader, Qristal! If you read the ReVo forums regularly, you’re probably already aware of this, but she’s asked me to sneak in a reminder that ReVo’s latest fundraiser, with the goal of purchasing a new and better site server, is still going on. As always, there are some perks and prizes for our donors, so if you’ve been waiting for an opportunity to tell ReVo, “Shut up and take my money!”, head over and check it out!

After this, we’re going to try our best to get back on our standard publishing schedule, which means I’ll see you back here in April, just in time for fuzzy chicks, colourful eggs, and a rash of chocolate rabbits mysteriously missing their ears!

Until then, happy reading!